Strumming Some Heartstrings
at 11:59 PM
nadal is out of roland garros. i'm shocked beyond belief. i want to die.
it's ok. no matter what happens, i still love my baby.
you know you love me
at 1:53 PM
i am going to put a lock on my cd collection. i just realised that one of my dvds is missing. and one of my cds is missing too. i don't know if people stole it or im absentminded enough to leave it behind while moving, which i think it's highly unlikely cos i keep all my cds/dvds/vcds together. the thought of someone stealing it makes my blood boil. so since i have a very enviable collection, i'm gona install a lock on it to make sure they're safe and no one touches them but me. if i ever find someone who took them without permission, i'm gona cut off that person's dick. if you're female, i'm gona remove your uterus. without anasthesia. god, it drives me absolutely INSANE.
you know you love me
at 11:37 PM
i have officially graduated from interact club. i still have flashes of memories from last year. i was the first one to receive the interact badge (which i have no bothered to wear since :P) but you know, even though im not in the exco, there are still fond memories. waking up early on saturday to go to rda, meeting almost every wednesday...... ahhh...... cca really widens your social circle. so this is one of the times im glad i retained. if i had just continued on to yr 2 with no cca whatsoever, my cca portfolio would be in shambles. now i'm proud to say i received "the best interactor award." haha. no la, im not the only recipient, but it's still nice to be recognised. and also, if i didnt have a cca, the only people would be my classmates. so effectively i'll only know 25 people in school. quite sad rite. now i know 3 batches of people. my batch, one year younger, then 2 years younger. good times good times. makes warm and fuzzy feelings in my heart. :)
i went to watch "whose life is it" anyway yesterday with hwei ee. k, i can't really tell u how the play went, except that i think it's fantastic. if u wana know the plot, im sure its on wikipedia.
so after interact installation today, my friends came to my house. we watched 2 movies: little secrets and twilight. i seriously think the boys were quite bored, but oh well. i don't have anything better for them to do and girls are majority over th guys. i have lost count how many times i have watched twilight already. really. New Moon is coming out 20th november! i dont care if it's in the midst of my exams, I AM GOING TO WATCH IT. so there. have people seen the new posters? taylor has a body to die for and dakota fanning looks like a really good Jane! she looks really good on the poster too. movie of the year everyone! having watched 2 movies back to back, i officially pronounce today Movie Day. i just came back from chem tuition and i worked my brain sooooo hard i can actually FEEL it developing muscles. :S omg chem mcq is seriously tricky. you're so sure your answer is correct and then you get like, 5 wrong in a row. scary man. imagine this is your actual alevel paper. SOOOOO SCARY AHHH!!!!! i actually planned to watch "Prince Caspian" after tuition, but it's almost midnight and if i watch it'll finish at like almost 2am. and i AM tired. i think i'll go to bed. my sweet, comfy bed! :D
OH THANK YOU LORD FOR THE HOLIDAYS!! I know it's not gona be a bed of roses cos i've gota study really hard, but i don't have to wake up at 5.40am. i wake up at like, 7am. yes, it's still late, but you gota spend 24-7=17 hours a day studying man. i'll go work a rough timetable out and i'll show you guys how 'meng' it's gona be.
and what on earth is wrong with my tagboard???!!! i didn't change anything besides the dimensions!
you know you love me
at 10:34 PM
i don't check my email for one day and i've like, 13 messages in my inbox. jesus.....
it's the 2nd last day of school for the term, thank god. and tmr is the last day. my friends are coming back to visit me and i'm gona to watch a play! im quite looking forward to it. i must say that my 2 hellish bio tutorial sessions this last week has gone surpisingly smoothly! im so glad! usually my teacher would spring some godforsaken question on me i have no idea how to answer, and embarrass me in front of the whole class. then i would start plotting evil ways to ruin his career. :P:P:P ahahaahahahaha!!! but he didn't bother me this time so im just glad that the term ends well. :D
my handphone bill is going up, up, up and away!!! mum is gona kill me. seriously. i need a plan that allows me unlimited smses or smth. i had to msg like almost 20 people to tell them that their shoes that me and my friends designed for them for charity were ready of collection. gosh. i kept forwarding the same message and i swear i could feel the 5 cent coins flying out of my pocket everytime i hit the 'send' button.
i feel like i have more to say but im feeling really tired and sleepy now. so till tmr folks!
you know you love me
at 10:43 PM
let me tell you how exciting my day was.
i'm going to bathe for the third time today.
weather's too damn fucking hot.
as expected, i didn't do any work over the weekend.
you know you love me
at 11:15 AM
i slept for 13 hours straight last night.
yes, i was so tired. i was working nonstop for like, 5 to 6 hours non stop in school, and when i got home it was almost 7. went to bathe, played a bit of guitar, and then brushed my teeth before i totally crashed by 8pm. i didn't even eat dinner. and i woke up at about 9.15am this morning and didn't even feel hungry. weird.
yea. oh yes. Hwei Ee wrote a book! yes, a published book with a spine and cover and all! it's called 'the hwei construct'. the class supported him by buying his book for 10 dollars each, and he wrote me an interesting note in the front of my copy. this is inspired me to write another song, my second after "Posterboy".
well, my days are uneventful as usual, so there's nothing much to talk about. i'm going for dance night, or should i say, dance afternoon, with yi hui at school later. then i have chem tuition at night. :( looks like another day is wasted without me studying. shit.
you know you love me
at 10:04 PM
i'll call today "catch-up" day.
i had a 1.5hr break in school today and my dear naomi came over to visit!!! wow i missed u sooooo much naomi!!! we had a blast talking and laughing. grace says you should come over more often naomi. we were still laughing during math lecture. :P and she said i LOOK like a doctor. thanks baby u made my day. :D
and after school, i rushed home to bathe and change so i could meet ethel hoon at 4. i haven't seen her since....2007. so it's a looooong time since. then she msged me to meet at 4.30pm instead, but she only arrived at wheelock at 4.50pm. -_-''' nvm. we headed to nydc and talked for over an hour before she had to leave to meet her other friend, who is also from cresent. she calls today "Crescent day" and how she's meeting up with 3 old friends before she leaves for Cornell. -_-''' yes, my ethel hoon is a very smart girl. so many things have changed, so many people are overseas doing different things. it's interesting and exciting. Cornell sounds like heaven. she's doing hotel management and there's like a hotel ON CAMPUS which is run entirely by students. and there's courses like wine tasting, culinery arts etc. and they have their own dairy where students make their own ice cream flavors. and she's most excited about wearing winter clothes. ahahaah!! im so envious. :P
you know you love me
at 5:44 PM
today is mother's day. so HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE MUMS IN THE WORLD!!! :D
i ordered a chocolate ice cream cake from Swensens' for mum. i did the ordering last monday, and dad went to pay and pick it up this morning. cos he gets a 15% off by paying with credit card. soo... yea. and i just finished playing "the best day" for mum as her mother's day song. if u wana hear it you can visit my youtube channel. :D
nothing much to say today. i normally spend my Sundays indoors. sis was extra clumsy today. she knocked a cup of tea over me and then broke a cup. -_-'''
yep. cya folks!
you know you love me
at 3:06 PM
OLD BLOGSKIN!!!! ahahaaha!!! i can't say it's new because i've used it before when i was crescent. and i'm getting sick of my pink one. and somehow, i just kept thinking of this one. so i attempted to find it on blogskins and they still had it! :D yay!
i was on the bus, i think a week or 2 ago, and it was pretty empty. it was bus 132, double decker, with two rows of blue seats facing each other with an isle in the middle? yeah. like i said, there were plenty of seats, and then this malay lady boarded. there was an empty seat on my right between me and another girl, and she squeezed herself in between us!! i was like, "erm, hello? there are like a bajillion seats on this bus. MUST u squeeze in here?" nvm. this isn't the worst. another genius came up, a chinese lady, and she sat right next to me on the left! I WAS SO FUCKING PISSED I WANTED TO SCREAM!!!! hello people! don't sit close to me!! WHY WHY WHY OF ALL THE SEATS AVAILABLE, YOU MUST PICK ONE THAT SANDWICHES ME AND INVADES MY PERSONAL RADIUS OF SPACE??? really! are these people blind? or stupid? or do they like to squeeze so much that even though there is so much space, they have to huddle together?? argh! pisses me off! if they like squeezing so much, they belong in a tuna can or smth. god....
next incident. i was at the clinic cos of my sore throat, then this indonesian maid came out of the room. i was sitting on the cushioned bench near the edge, i think on my right there was just enough for one person to sit, then on my left, there must have been 2-3 metres of empty bench. and when she turned to sit down, i'll give u a lucky guess where our einstein sat. YES ON MY RIGHT!!! LIKE OMG MUST U SQUEEZE WITH ME???!!!! WHY WHY WHY MUST U SIT SO CLOSE UNTIL WE'RE ALMOST TOUCHING WHEN THERE'S SO MUCH SPACE ON MY LEFT, ENOUGH FOR U TO LIE DOWN EVEN IF U WANTED TO? then she stood up again to go do god knows what, and i shifted further to my right to make sure no one sits that close to me again. i moved enough so there was only enough space for like, half a butt on my right. then the maid came back, and guess what, YES OMG KILL ME SHE STILL SAT ON MY RIGHT! i thought i would lose my mind there and then. it's madness i tell u. pure insanity. i really wonder if some people are born without intelligence. i gave up cos i couldn't take it anymore, and moved to the left. god. i hate it when strangers touch me. UGH!!!
then yesterday at classbench, i was having break. it was sleeping cos i accidentally took my drowsy medicine before going to school and was thus feeling extremely woozy. halfway during my deep sleep, i have no idea why it became so noisy all of a sudden, and then since i was the only one at the bench, some random people came over to sit next to me and started talking damn loudly. and hitting the table. and you know, since my ear is pretty close to the table, every hit resonates like, a thousand times. and that woke me up from my sleep and put me in an extremely foul mood. so foul that if i was Wolverine, all the people around me would be annihilated in 10 seconds. anyone who knows me well enough knows how important my precious sleep is to me. you wake me without any good reason, YOU DIE. like my lovely bio teacher. prodded me away before assembly, which is my MOST IMPORTANT sleeping period, just to ask me for my bio log book. WHEN I WAS SEEING HIM LATER IN CLASS!! FUCK HIM MAN. who gives a shit about your stupid policies and rules. in every school i go to, i really want to strangle one teacher. and for this school, it's HIM. you notice i can't name any names here, cos it's called CYBERBULLYING. bah!! let me tell you, the REAL bullying is going on RIGHT IN SCHOOLS, where students are being emotionally abused by asshole teachers who are jealous of us because they know we're gona grow up and be successful etc while they're stuck in their miserable staffroom.
whew! that was one long rant! i think i must be pretty amusing for yingx and naomi. cos u 2 can imagine me complaining verbally to u with all my exasperated expressions an have a good laugh. i was giggling myself while typing all this. ahaha!!
yep.. thats all for me today. toodles!! :)
you know you love me
at 9:17 PM
i wonder how it feels like to have a half-sibling. it's sooo....foreign. i don't know how to say it. i wonder if i'd be insanely jealous. i think i would. i just read an article on princess charlotte of monaco, and how she has a half sister from her mother's latest marriage. i mean..... whoa. i really don't know what to say. like, for your whole life u just have ure parents to ureself and ure siblings, and then all of a sudden ure mum goes off and sleeps with some guy and there you go! a new addition to the family!
i think it's so exciting to be royal. sure u have the papparazzi all around you, but you'd be rich enough to live in all your cool, big mansions in exotic places around the world. and you have cool ancesters who actually once had the power to say "Guards! Off with his head!" hahahaa!!! and you have gowns, tiaras, crowns, jewellery, and OMG THE TITLE!!! HRH aka his/her royal highness princess/prince of blahblahblah. how wicked is that! and cos you stick all your ancester's names in your name, your full names gets uber long and u can confuse everybody. also, if you don't like your first name, you have like 20 middle names to choose from anyway.
yingx. i know i owe you an email, but i have such a bad sore throat it just puts me off from doing anything. but don't fear dear girl, you will get it soon enough!
you know you love me
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This blogskin is proudly brought to you by Mrs. Chuck Bass, with a lil' help of Chili with the basecodes. Thanks to Enlaced for the pretty icons and Tumblr for the inspirations.
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Strumming Some Heartstrings
at 11:59 PM
nadal is out of roland garros. i'm shocked beyond belief. i want to die.
it's ok. no matter what happens, i still love my baby.
you know you love me
at 1:53 PM
i am going to put a lock on my cd collection. i just realised that one of my dvds is missing. and one of my cds is missing too. i don't know if people stole it or im absentminded enough to leave it behind while moving, which i think it's highly unlikely cos i keep all my cds/dvds/vcds together. the thought of someone stealing it makes my blood boil. so since i have a very enviable collection, i'm gona install a lock on it to make sure they're safe and no one touches them but me. if i ever find someone who took them without permission, i'm gona cut off that person's dick. if you're female, i'm gona remove your uterus. without anasthesia. god, it drives me absolutely INSANE.
you know you love me
at 11:37 PM
i have officially graduated from interact club. i still have flashes of memories from last year. i was the first one to receive the interact badge (which i have no bothered to wear since :P) but you know, even though im not in the exco, there are still fond memories. waking up early on saturday to go to rda, meeting almost every wednesday...... ahhh...... cca really widens your social circle. so this is one of the times im glad i retained. if i had just continued on to yr 2 with no cca whatsoever, my cca portfolio would be in shambles. now i'm proud to say i received "the best interactor award." haha. no la, im not the only recipient, but it's still nice to be recognised. and also, if i didnt have a cca, the only people would be my classmates. so effectively i'll only know 25 people in school. quite sad rite. now i know 3 batches of people. my batch, one year younger, then 2 years younger. good times good times. makes warm and fuzzy feelings in my heart. :)
i went to watch "whose life is it" anyway yesterday with hwei ee. k, i can't really tell u how the play went, except that i think it's fantastic. if u wana know the plot, im sure its on wikipedia.
so after interact installation today, my friends came to my house. we watched 2 movies: little secrets and twilight. i seriously think the boys were quite bored, but oh well. i don't have anything better for them to do and girls are majority over th guys. i have lost count how many times i have watched twilight already. really. New Moon is coming out 20th november! i dont care if it's in the midst of my exams, I AM GOING TO WATCH IT. so there. have people seen the new posters? taylor has a body to die for and dakota fanning looks like a really good Jane! she looks really good on the poster too. movie of the year everyone! having watched 2 movies back to back, i officially pronounce today Movie Day. i just came back from chem tuition and i worked my brain sooooo hard i can actually FEEL it developing muscles. :S omg chem mcq is seriously tricky. you're so sure your answer is correct and then you get like, 5 wrong in a row. scary man. imagine this is your actual alevel paper. SOOOOO SCARY AHHH!!!!! i actually planned to watch "Prince Caspian" after tuition, but it's almost midnight and if i watch it'll finish at like almost 2am. and i AM tired. i think i'll go to bed. my sweet, comfy bed! :D
OH THANK YOU LORD FOR THE HOLIDAYS!! I know it's not gona be a bed of roses cos i've gota study really hard, but i don't have to wake up at 5.40am. i wake up at like, 7am. yes, it's still late, but you gota spend 24-7=17 hours a day studying man. i'll go work a rough timetable out and i'll show you guys how 'meng' it's gona be.
and what on earth is wrong with my tagboard???!!! i didn't change anything besides the dimensions!
you know you love me
at 10:34 PM
i don't check my email for one day and i've like, 13 messages in my inbox. jesus.....
it's the 2nd last day of school for the term, thank god. and tmr is the last day. my friends are coming back to visit me and i'm gona to watch a play! im quite looking forward to it. i must say that my 2 hellish bio tutorial sessions this last week has gone surpisingly smoothly! im so glad! usually my teacher would spring some godforsaken question on me i have no idea how to answer, and embarrass me in front of the whole class. then i would start plotting evil ways to ruin his career. :P:P:P ahahaahahahaha!!! but he didn't bother me this time so im just glad that the term ends well. :D
my handphone bill is going up, up, up and away!!! mum is gona kill me. seriously. i need a plan that allows me unlimited smses or smth. i had to msg like almost 20 people to tell them that their shoes that me and my friends designed for them for charity were ready of collection. gosh. i kept forwarding the same message and i swear i could feel the 5 cent coins flying out of my pocket everytime i hit the 'send' button.
i feel like i have more to say but im feeling really tired and sleepy now. so till tmr folks!
you know you love me
at 10:43 PM
let me tell you how exciting my day was.
i'm going to bathe for the third time today.
weather's too damn fucking hot.
as expected, i didn't do any work over the weekend.
you know you love me
at 11:15 AM
i slept for 13 hours straight last night.
yes, i was so tired. i was working nonstop for like, 5 to 6 hours non stop in school, and when i got home it was almost 7. went to bathe, played a bit of guitar, and then brushed my teeth before i totally crashed by 8pm. i didn't even eat dinner. and i woke up at about 9.15am this morning and didn't even feel hungry. weird.
yea. oh yes. Hwei Ee wrote a book! yes, a published book with a spine and cover and all! it's called 'the hwei construct'. the class supported him by buying his book for 10 dollars each, and he wrote me an interesting note in the front of my copy. this is inspired me to write another song, my second after "Posterboy".
well, my days are uneventful as usual, so there's nothing much to talk about. i'm going for dance night, or should i say, dance afternoon, with yi hui at school later. then i have chem tuition at night. :( looks like another day is wasted without me studying. shit.
you know you love me
at 10:04 PM
i'll call today "catch-up" day.
i had a 1.5hr break in school today and my dear naomi came over to visit!!! wow i missed u sooooo much naomi!!! we had a blast talking and laughing. grace says you should come over more often naomi. we were still laughing during math lecture. :P and she said i LOOK like a doctor. thanks baby u made my day. :D
and after school, i rushed home to bathe and change so i could meet ethel hoon at 4. i haven't seen her since....2007. so it's a looooong time since. then she msged me to meet at 4.30pm instead, but she only arrived at wheelock at 4.50pm. -_-''' nvm. we headed to nydc and talked for over an hour before she had to leave to meet her other friend, who is also from cresent. she calls today "Crescent day" and how she's meeting up with 3 old friends before she leaves for Cornell. -_-''' yes, my ethel hoon is a very smart girl. so many things have changed, so many people are overseas doing different things. it's interesting and exciting. Cornell sounds like heaven. she's doing hotel management and there's like a hotel ON CAMPUS which is run entirely by students. and there's courses like wine tasting, culinery arts etc. and they have their own dairy where students make their own ice cream flavors. and she's most excited about wearing winter clothes. ahahaah!! im so envious. :P
you know you love me
at 5:44 PM
today is mother's day. so HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL THE MUMS IN THE WORLD!!! :D
i ordered a chocolate ice cream cake from Swensens' for mum. i did the ordering last monday, and dad went to pay and pick it up this morning. cos he gets a 15% off by paying with credit card. soo... yea. and i just finished playing "the best day" for mum as her mother's day song. if u wana hear it you can visit my youtube channel. :D
nothing much to say today. i normally spend my Sundays indoors. sis was extra clumsy today. she knocked a cup of tea over me and then broke a cup. -_-'''
yep. cya folks!
you know you love me
at 3:06 PM
OLD BLOGSKIN!!!! ahahaaha!!! i can't say it's new because i've used it before when i was crescent. and i'm getting sick of my pink one. and somehow, i just kept thinking of this one. so i attempted to find it on blogskins and they still had it! :D yay!
i was on the bus, i think a week or 2 ago, and it was pretty empty. it was bus 132, double decker, with two rows of blue seats facing each other with an isle in the middle? yeah. like i said, there were plenty of seats, and then this malay lady boarded. there was an empty seat on my right between me and another girl, and she squeezed herself in between us!! i was like, "erm, hello? there are like a bajillion seats on this bus. MUST u squeeze in here?" nvm. this isn't the worst. another genius came up, a chinese lady, and she sat right next to me on the left! I WAS SO FUCKING PISSED I WANTED TO SCREAM!!!! hello people! don't sit close to me!! WHY WHY WHY OF ALL THE SEATS AVAILABLE, YOU MUST PICK ONE THAT SANDWICHES ME AND INVADES MY PERSONAL RADIUS OF SPACE??? really! are these people blind? or stupid? or do they like to squeeze so much that even though there is so much space, they have to huddle together?? argh! pisses me off! if they like squeezing so much, they belong in a tuna can or smth. god....
next incident. i was at the clinic cos of my sore throat, then this indonesian maid came out of the room. i was sitting on the cushioned bench near the edge, i think on my right there was just enough for one person to sit, then on my left, there must have been 2-3 metres of empty bench. and when she turned to sit down, i'll give u a lucky guess where our einstein sat. YES ON MY RIGHT!!! LIKE OMG MUST U SQUEEZE WITH ME???!!!! WHY WHY WHY MUST U SIT SO CLOSE UNTIL WE'RE ALMOST TOUCHING WHEN THERE'S SO MUCH SPACE ON MY LEFT, ENOUGH FOR U TO LIE DOWN EVEN IF U WANTED TO? then she stood up again to go do god knows what, and i shifted further to my right to make sure no one sits that close to me again. i moved enough so there was only enough space for like, half a butt on my right. then the maid came back, and guess what, YES OMG KILL ME SHE STILL SAT ON MY RIGHT! i thought i would lose my mind there and then. it's madness i tell u. pure insanity. i really wonder if some people are born without intelligence. i gave up cos i couldn't take it anymore, and moved to the left. god. i hate it when strangers touch me. UGH!!!
then yesterday at classbench, i was having break. it was sleeping cos i accidentally took my drowsy medicine before going to school and was thus feeling extremely woozy. halfway during my deep sleep, i have no idea why it became so noisy all of a sudden, and then since i was the only one at the bench, some random people came over to sit next to me and started talking damn loudly. and hitting the table. and you know, since my ear is pretty close to the table, every hit resonates like, a thousand times. and that woke me up from my sleep and put me in an extremely foul mood. so foul that if i was Wolverine, all the people around me would be annihilated in 10 seconds. anyone who knows me well enough knows how important my precious sleep is to me. you wake me without any good reason, YOU DIE. like my lovely bio teacher. prodded me away before assembly, which is my MOST IMPORTANT sleeping period, just to ask me for my bio log book. WHEN I WAS SEEING HIM LATER IN CLASS!! FUCK HIM MAN. who gives a shit about your stupid policies and rules. in every school i go to, i really want to strangle one teacher. and for this school, it's HIM. you notice i can't name any names here, cos it's called CYBERBULLYING. bah!! let me tell you, the REAL bullying is going on RIGHT IN SCHOOLS, where students are being emotionally abused by asshole teachers who are jealous of us because they know we're gona grow up and be successful etc while they're stuck in their miserable staffroom.
whew! that was one long rant! i think i must be pretty amusing for yingx and naomi. cos u 2 can imagine me complaining verbally to u with all my exasperated expressions an have a good laugh. i was giggling myself while typing all this. ahaha!!
yep.. thats all for me today. toodles!! :)
you know you love me
at 9:17 PM
i wonder how it feels like to have a half-sibling. it's sooo....foreign. i don't know how to say it. i wonder if i'd be insanely jealous. i think i would. i just read an article on princess charlotte of monaco, and how she has a half sister from her mother's latest marriage. i mean..... whoa. i really don't know what to say. like, for your whole life u just have ure parents to ureself and ure siblings, and then all of a sudden ure mum goes off and sleeps with some guy and there you go! a new addition to the family!
i think it's so exciting to be royal. sure u have the papparazzi all around you, but you'd be rich enough to live in all your cool, big mansions in exotic places around the world. and you have cool ancesters who actually once had the power to say "Guards! Off with his head!" hahahaa!!! and you have gowns, tiaras, crowns, jewellery, and OMG THE TITLE!!! HRH aka his/her royal highness princess/prince of blahblahblah. how wicked is that! and cos you stick all your ancester's names in your name, your full names gets uber long and u can confuse everybody. also, if you don't like your first name, you have like 20 middle names to choose from anyway.
yingx. i know i owe you an email, but i have such a bad sore throat it just puts me off from doing anything. but don't fear dear girl, you will get it soon enough!
you know you love me