Strumming Some Heartstrings
at 6:03 PM
great. now i got keep my blog as annoymous as possible, cos some teachers in school can be so nosy and find our blogs in cyberspace. not only do they do that, they'll hunt you down if they find you typing nasty stuff about them. but then it never occurs to them that if they want to save themselves such trouble, DON'T GO LOOKING FOR BLOGS IN THE FIRST PLACE! dumbasses man. but nvm nvm. this isn't the topic today.
so what DID happen today was i has SL meeting, and at the end of it one of my teachers in charge said my behavior and image i gave people was rude and hostile. well, maybe bcos i'm sarcastic, but dude, that isn't a crime. and of course i was pretty taken aback cos i know i'm not. and yes i know it matters more to what first impressions poeple get from you blah blah...... but it's irritating la. and the worst thing is, Mr K agreed with her. i mean, fine, she doesn't know me very well, but Mr K? dude, that hurts right to the gut man. looks like i can't trust some people after all. now i duno if i can even trust ms huo. she also said when i meet someone for the first time, it feels as though i'm pushing them away. thank god at least this thing will blow over by end of september. but now i'm gona push Mr K as far away from me as possible. think i'm being ruder or being more hostile now? fine. be that way. all i have to do is to be civil, get a decent testimonial, and i'm out of this shithole.
i wish mum and dad could have sent me away to canada with yingx after olevels. so perhaps i wouldn't have to study all this stressful shit, and study in an environment where students are like second class to teachers. i want a place where we're regarded as equals. screw all that asian values shit. i'll be a banana and proud of it.
you know you love me
at 1:34 PM
omg. i have been absent for such a long time that i didn't even know that the blogger layout has been changed. :P anyway, it's good to be back. it's times like this that i realiase how much i love my blog. i'll try to blog more often, but it's gona be hard considering promos are just 4 weeks away! eeeekkk!!!!!! my maths ahhh......aiyoooooo........... terrible......
so i'm glad to say that the whole tshirt episode is pretty underway now. we sold about 200 shirts as a group, hwei ee sold 300, so i guess we're safe to say that we are pass the 500 mark! and with the MAF street sales, i think it's gona get better, or at least a little bit better.
holiday plans! i'm involved in OCIP Batam in school, which is at the end of december. i'll probably spend xmas there too. so i can't travel at all for november and december, cos we need to prepare for it. ok well, still can travel at start of november, so we'll be going to BEIJING from 25 oct to 2 nov! touch down singapore about 6 or 7 something in the morning on 3 nov. it's the best time to go to beijing and soak up the olympic spirit! or whatever is left of it anyway. and the olympics end tmr. so sad. :( so we plan to see the birds nest stadium, great wall, terracota warrioirs....... oh i'm so excited! :D sis can't go cos she has PW, so it's just gona be me and the folks. dad i spoilt to the core. he absolutely refused to take economy class, thats why we're taking business class midnight flights. if we chose economy we actually can travel at decent times, but NOOO.......... die die must take business. fine! be that way..... the male ego is one thing i'll never understand.
so! the year is coming to an end soon! this year has been sooooooo incredibly fast. and eventful too. but nah. i think i'll save the reflections for the year end post. just went to our school messaging board to see all the j2s apply for university. and omg, lemme just say that it is a damn scary, daunting and confusing process. i'm SO not looking forward to it next year. but at the same time, i guess it's pretty exciting. yingxy is already there so when she officially starts the school term, she can tell me how it's like. :)
yingxy. when all the craziness of the exams are over next year, i'll beg the folks to send us over there for 2 weeks or so. better start practising doing my laundry cousin! ahahaahahaha!!!!!!
now gota go mug for exams. UGH!! :(
you know you love me
at 7:24 PM
i think i finally understand the feeling of being in debt, thus i fully sympathise with fifth aunt. at least for my case, it's not a huge, humongous sum and mum and dad can cover up my ass.
i also have learnt from this whole sordid episode, that you should never bite off more than you can chew. i suppose if i were to pinpoint what i learnt the most from the project, it would be that i can only rely on myself. perhaps my expectations are too high. i don't know, but i don't think so. and money really is the root of all evil.
oh. the phrase "behind every successful man is a woman". is the best fucking phrase ever invented. i'm living proof of that, and so is mum. which makes me wonder whether women really need a man to depend on in today's society. looks like it's the men who need the women more.
i can't wait for this bloody project to be over. i'm sure it has shortened my life by half.
you know you love me
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Strumming Some Heartstrings
at 6:03 PM
great. now i got keep my blog as annoymous as possible, cos some teachers in school can be so nosy and find our blogs in cyberspace. not only do they do that, they'll hunt you down if they find you typing nasty stuff about them. but then it never occurs to them that if they want to save themselves such trouble, DON'T GO LOOKING FOR BLOGS IN THE FIRST PLACE! dumbasses man. but nvm nvm. this isn't the topic today.
so what DID happen today was i has SL meeting, and at the end of it one of my teachers in charge said my behavior and image i gave people was rude and hostile. well, maybe bcos i'm sarcastic, but dude, that isn't a crime. and of course i was pretty taken aback cos i know i'm not. and yes i know it matters more to what first impressions poeple get from you blah blah...... but it's irritating la. and the worst thing is, Mr K agreed with her. i mean, fine, she doesn't know me very well, but Mr K? dude, that hurts right to the gut man. looks like i can't trust some people after all. now i duno if i can even trust ms huo. she also said when i meet someone for the first time, it feels as though i'm pushing them away. thank god at least this thing will blow over by end of september. but now i'm gona push Mr K as far away from me as possible. think i'm being ruder or being more hostile now? fine. be that way. all i have to do is to be civil, get a decent testimonial, and i'm out of this shithole.
i wish mum and dad could have sent me away to canada with yingx after olevels. so perhaps i wouldn't have to study all this stressful shit, and study in an environment where students are like second class to teachers. i want a place where we're regarded as equals. screw all that asian values shit. i'll be a banana and proud of it.
you know you love me
at 1:34 PM
omg. i have been absent for such a long time that i didn't even know that the blogger layout has been changed. :P anyway, it's good to be back. it's times like this that i realiase how much i love my blog. i'll try to blog more often, but it's gona be hard considering promos are just 4 weeks away! eeeekkk!!!!!! my maths ahhh......aiyoooooo........... terrible......
so i'm glad to say that the whole tshirt episode is pretty underway now. we sold about 200 shirts as a group, hwei ee sold 300, so i guess we're safe to say that we are pass the 500 mark! and with the MAF street sales, i think it's gona get better, or at least a little bit better.
holiday plans! i'm involved in OCIP Batam in school, which is at the end of december. i'll probably spend xmas there too. so i can't travel at all for november and december, cos we need to prepare for it. ok well, still can travel at start of november, so we'll be going to BEIJING from 25 oct to 2 nov! touch down singapore about 6 or 7 something in the morning on 3 nov. it's the best time to go to beijing and soak up the olympic spirit! or whatever is left of it anyway. and the olympics end tmr. so sad. :( so we plan to see the birds nest stadium, great wall, terracota warrioirs....... oh i'm so excited! :D sis can't go cos she has PW, so it's just gona be me and the folks. dad i spoilt to the core. he absolutely refused to take economy class, thats why we're taking business class midnight flights. if we chose economy we actually can travel at decent times, but NOOO.......... die die must take business. fine! be that way..... the male ego is one thing i'll never understand.
so! the year is coming to an end soon! this year has been sooooooo incredibly fast. and eventful too. but nah. i think i'll save the reflections for the year end post. just went to our school messaging board to see all the j2s apply for university. and omg, lemme just say that it is a damn scary, daunting and confusing process. i'm SO not looking forward to it next year. but at the same time, i guess it's pretty exciting. yingxy is already there so when she officially starts the school term, she can tell me how it's like. :)
yingxy. when all the craziness of the exams are over next year, i'll beg the folks to send us over there for 2 weeks or so. better start practising doing my laundry cousin! ahahaahahaha!!!!!!
now gota go mug for exams. UGH!! :(
you know you love me
at 7:24 PM
i think i finally understand the feeling of being in debt, thus i fully sympathise with fifth aunt. at least for my case, it's not a huge, humongous sum and mum and dad can cover up my ass.
i also have learnt from this whole sordid episode, that you should never bite off more than you can chew. i suppose if i were to pinpoint what i learnt the most from the project, it would be that i can only rely on myself. perhaps my expectations are too high. i don't know, but i don't think so. and money really is the root of all evil.
oh. the phrase "behind every successful man is a woman". is the best fucking phrase ever invented. i'm living proof of that, and so is mum. which makes me wonder whether women really need a man to depend on in today's society. looks like it's the men who need the women more.
i can't wait for this bloody project to be over. i'm sure it has shortened my life by half.
you know you love me