Strumming Some Heartstrings
at 7:03 PM
oh gosh. i didn't expect my heart to be this painful. i finaly saw *'s reply on weiling's friendster, and all he said was 'sounds familiar'. my name only SOUNDS FAMILIAR. and he even spelled it WRONG!!!!!! oh my would be less painful if he stabbed me. so all those times he didn't know it was me AT ALL. great. just great. you've wasted 12 years of your life for nothing, ph. well done. oh gosh i feel like crap. i always thought it wouldn't be such a big deal, but why do i feel such a big pang of sadness? shit la......
ah guat was super PMS-sy today. bitch. she called me out, as always, to talk to me, and she seems so convinced that since i was sick for my block tests, i WOULD be sick for promos as well. wth. then she spent about 10 mins talking to me about how to avoid being sick. !!!! i can't believe her level of stupidity man. and during tutorial, she was so impatient with us when we asked her for the answers to our tutorial. and SHE CAN'T TEACH FOR NUTS. oh god, she's speaking a language more complicated than greek. she took a bleeding 2 hours to go through 1 sheet of paper. fantastic. she makes 3-toed sloths look like F1 racing cars.
kaiyi told me chong lin made her very upset. she cried a few times even. seesh. at least i can infer that she really cares about him now. or maybe care a little bit more? duno la. i'm not in the mood for blogging after seeing that friendster thing.
all guys are jerks. (ok, that sounds really bimbotic, but just let me rant for a day ok?)
you know you love me
at 7:42 PM
yesterday, i was totally, completely haunted and possesed by the 2 scary movies mentioned in yesterday's post. so frightened to the point that i had to get sis to sleep with me!!!! aunty allyson, yangx and uncle donald, basically the whole mahjong gang came over, and even though the whole house was so noisy, i still felt scared. when i took my bath i was so scared that a killer will be waiting for me the moment i pulled open the curtain. oh man. it took ages for me to fall asleep. and even though i was shit tired, i had to wait for sis and yangx to finish the movie they were watching so that we could go to bed. *shudders* today is slightly better. just trying to keep my mind occupied......
ok. so nothing happened today. really. went for chem tution and then walked to the shopping centre opposite my house to get some groceries and starbucks for my mum, which i can't have cos i'm on a diet. seesh. i want cheesecake!!!!! yep. that's about it! found out that weiling tagged * friendster about me. -_-"' i really duno how to feel about that man. but i guess she only meant to help.
ok. school tmr. that bitch's lesson. for 2 bleeding hours!!! hmph! better go do tutorial so she won't have the chance to pick on me. yingx ah! all your fault man.......i feel damn vulnerable without the password......:(
you know you love me
at 5:04 PM
i was really pissed at lou yesterday. in fact i still am. i'm upset that she bailed on me last minute. imagine if i had not messaged her to confirm. i would have shown up like an idiot and be turned away. i'm not messaging her anymore until she says sorry. hmph!!!!
went out with yihui today. but before meeting her, i went to watch 'disturbia'. OMG I WAS ALL ALONE IN THE FREAKING CINEMA!!! when i bought the ticket, the row of seats behind me were occupied. but the people didn't come!! so i was the only one watching the movie!! wth!!! and gosh, it was SCA-REEEE. before the show started, they showed the trailer of this show "dead silence", a horror show about some ventriloquist who died and her dummies came alive and murdered people by cutting off their tongues. so when they die, they can't scream. something like that. there was even a super creepy poem to go with it. oh gosh i was so scared i was nearly shaking. i recognised one of the actors in show, but i couldn't place him, until i remembered - Summerland!!! he's Jay from Summerland!! Ah well, so not the point. that show is just made to give people nightmares la. then i realised that i was going to watch "disturbia", which is not exactly like "finding nemo", and i was like, SHIT!! i wanted to leave the cinema man. then they'll be showing the film to an empty cinema. :P mind you, "disturbia" was also damn freaky la. the killer, the faces of the dead victims, oh man so scary, so scary, SOOOO SCARY!!!!!! i was closing my eyes at some parts. omg i'm so gona get nightmares the next few nights. SHIT!!!!!! and shia belouf looked so much hotter in transformers. sigh, but he's still really cute. :P and the cleaners who cleaned up after the movie had a really easy job. cos i didn't eat popcorn, and i was the only one there. so basically, nothing to clean. :P
met yihui at gramophone in taka. as usual, she made me wait. lol. nvm, it's nice nice yihui. :)she permed her hair!!! it looks really good but she thinks otherwise. sigh, we really do have vastly different tastes. i was looking for jay chou's "Secret" movie soundtrack and music score, but both weren't available yet!! ahhh! so i made a reservation for the cd, and maybe i'll ask ms tan for the classical scores. i had a great time with yihui. well, i always do. we went window shopping, and we were both so thrifty today!! everything KIV, and we hardly bought anything. oh gosh, i think i spent more on mum and dad than myself. i only spent $6 on a pair of earrings which were on sale, and $10 on a really nice watch from one of those push-cart stalls. yea, that's kinda it. oh yes, my movie ticket and my mos burger lunch. i ate my usual veggie burger, which was super messy. remind me never to eat that on dates with my boyfriend.
i watched jay chou's "Secret" yesterday. OMG IT WAS SOOOOOOO GOOD!! i was skeptical about it at first cos it was a jay chou movie, just piano playing and stuff, but it was wonderful. i think i'll get the dvd or something. it was good good good. was strongly recommending it to yihui today. can't wait for all the stuff to come out.
you know you love me
at 8:19 PM
today is definately one of the days that i have been the angriest in my life. what's the reason? three words: OOI AH GUAT. oh no, make that 5 words: FUCKING BITCH OOI AH GUAT.
she, this daughter of the devil, completely humiliated me in front of my class during chem prac today. i just made a small mistake during practical (which i am sure would not cost anyone a life or disrupt world peace), but she just HAD to blow it up and make life difficult for me. she went "AIYOOO" so loudly, and then told the entire class what i did wrong. then, she stood behind me to scrutinize my work at least 5 BLOODY TIMES, all the while going "aiyoo" and making "tut tut" noises. sounds like Umbridge doesn't she? she's 10 times worse man. at least though Umbridge wears pink, she has good fashion sense, and i'm sure she doesn't have body odour, not like that stinking ah guat. (pun not intended) and then she continued to embarrass me further by announcing to the class that i had drawn my table wrongly. fuck that stupid bitch.
then after she dismissed everybody, she made me STAY BACK TO REDO THE FUCKING EXPERIMENT. and mind you, it was already 4+ in the afternoon. then mum called and told me that she and sis had been waiting for 10 mins already, and that i may have to go home myself. so i told them to go back first, and i broke down. couldn't help it. i was SOOOOOOOOO angry!!! then ah guat came round and saw me crying, and she didn't even care, she just asked me " why aren't you stirring? why didn't you record down the temperature? aiya if you don't want to do, don't do!" then she just turned off the lights and fans in the lab, WHILE I WAS STILL IN THERE, and just walked out. I COULDN'T BLOODY FUCKING BELIEVE IT! WHAT THE HELL!!!!! HOW DARE SHE TREAT ME LIKE THIS?!
managed to clear my red nose and bloodshot eyes before i went to get my lunchbag. mum came to fetch me home after all. :) i love my mummy. <3>OF COURSE she supported me. well, anyone in the right frame of mind would. then she asked me what i learnt from this experience, and i said "must get married. or you'll become a lao chu nu like ah guat with all that pent up unfulfilled sexual tension and torture people like she did to me." and mum AGREED!!! HAHA!! LOL!! she was like, "yea, must get married...." lol, my mum rocks man. :P came home to rant to sis, who of course, chided me for not standing up for myself and for letting myself be treated like this, and by a freaking TEACHER no less. sigh. what to do, i need that bitch to write my testimonial. what the fuck la.
yea......this is quite an angry post. but at least my friends were nice, especially wei shi, who cheered me up by showing me his cute EZlink card photo which i love. he would also have given me a hug but we were not alone. so yea.....haha. and i know he'll always have my back, so i wouldn't be scared if weiling betrays me, which he is so convinced she will. :P haha. ah well, what an emotionally exhausting day. at least we have a long holiday coming..........
i miss yingxy so much. :(
you know you love me
at 10:44 AM
i havent been blogging for eons!! and yes i kinda miss it. so here i am. :)
yingxy went back last sunday. gosh, i can't believe it's been a week already. last tuesday i was staring at my watch in school at abt 10+, and i was thinking "man. yingxy is on the plane back home already." and yesterday it just struck me that i won't be seeing her for over a year from now. oh shit. i'm not going over in december and she can't come during chinese new year. i wonder if she can come in july again? but i guess that time she'll be busy with all the uni applications. oh shit shit shit. just yesterday yangx came over and he and sis ostro me over the ipod!!! yes my sis got an ipod. spent like $900+. crazy la. ok not really ostro la, but we have not much in common to talk about anymore. sad how people change as they grow up. yingxy.............yingxy i want u to come back!!! i miss you so much!!!!!
ok, yingxy won't be able to read my posts until she goes back to school, so should i remove the password? hmm.........i only know i'll be safe after i've left jc. teachers in hc still read blogs. seesh!!!
time flies really fast when you're in jc. it's like a time-zapper. i have no idea why. time just flies by like formula 1 racing cars. where on earth does all my time go?!! promos are coming. shit shit shit. ok this para is random.
my friend, shall not put the name here in case she googles her name (who on earth does that though?!), sometimes i duno whether to laugh at her or slap her. let's just call her *. and call the boy ~. so last friday, ~, being as sweet as he normally is, bought her her favourite apple crumble bread. but she didn't feel like eating it and she just refused it outright and wanted to return it. when he refused to take it back, she just pushed it away from her and ignored it. ~ must have seen it and been hurt. then after he left, she tried to give it to people, but of course they didn't take it cos it was from ~. she even dropped it on the floor! luckily is was in a plastic bag, but STILL!!! then the bell rang and she just left it on the class bench and went to class. oh gosh. i was shaking my head at her the whole time. i mean, it's basic courtesy to just accep a gift graciously from whoever gives you something. you never just reject it like that! whatsmore from someone who likes you so much! you can accept it then don't eat it. no one's forcing her to. sigh. i know * is a good friend of mine, but sometimes i wish ~ would go find someone better who cherishes him. ths is always the problem when you like someone more than that someone likes you.
i bought a camera yesterday!! :D now i don't need to rely on those stupid disposable ones anymore. and i can upload pics easily now. :) now i just gota wait for some exotic holiday location and fill my blog with pictures!!!
OH MY GOD YINGXY!!!!!!!! WE FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE OF THE 4 OF US TOGETHER!!! those who remember my previoes skin where i have a picture of the 4 musketeers, I WANTED A NEW ONE TO REPLACE THAT PHOTO!!! i mean, it was almost 2 years ago!!! ah damn it!!
you know you love me
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Strumming Some Heartstrings
at 7:03 PM
oh gosh. i didn't expect my heart to be this painful. i finaly saw *'s reply on weiling's
friendster, and all he said was 'sounds familiar'. my name only SOUNDS FAMILIAR. and he even spelled it
WRONG!!!!!! oh my would be less painful if he stabbed me. so all those times he didn't know it was me
AT ALL. great. just great. you've wasted 12 years of your life for nothing, ph. well done. oh gosh i feel like crap. i always thought it wouldn't be such a big deal, but why do i feel such a big pang of sadness? shit la......
ah guat was super PMS-sy today. bitch. she called me out, as always, to talk to me, and she seems so convinced that since i was sick for my block tests, i
WOULD be sick for promos as well. wth. then she spent about 10 mins talking to me about how to avoid being sick. !!!! i can't believe her level of stupidity man. and during tutorial, she was so impatient with us when we asked her for the answers to our tutorial. and SHE CAN'T TEACH FOR NUTS. oh god, she's speaking a language more complicated than greek. she took a bleeding 2 hours to go through 1 sheet of paper. fantastic. she makes 3-toed sloths look like F1 racing cars.
kaiyi told me chong lin made her very upset. she cried a few times even. seesh. at least i can infer that she really cares about him now. or maybe care a little bit more? duno la. i'm not in the mood for blogging after seeing that friendster thing.
all guys are jerks. (ok, that sounds really bimbotic, but just let me rant for a day ok?)
you know you love me
at 7:42 PM
yesterday, i was totally, completely haunted and possesed by the 2 scary movies mentioned in yesterday's post. so frightened to the point that i had to get sis to sleep with me!!!! aunty allyson, yangx and uncle donald, basically the whole mahjong gang came over, and even though the whole house was so noisy, i still felt scared. when i took my bath i was so scared that a killer will be waiting for me the moment i pulled open the curtain. oh man. it took ages for me to fall asleep. and even though i was shit tired, i had to wait for sis and yangx to finish the movie they were watching so that we could go to bed. *shudders* today is slightly better. just trying to keep my mind occupied......
ok. so nothing happened today. really. went for chem tution and then walked to the shopping centre opposite my house to get some groceries and starbucks for my mum, which i can't have cos i'm on a diet. seesh. i want cheesecake!!!!! yep. that's about it! found out that weiling tagged * friendster about me. -_-"' i really duno how to feel about that man. but i guess she only meant to help.
ok. school tmr. that bitch's lesson. for 2 bleeding hours!!! hmph! better go do tutorial so she won't have the chance to pick on me. yingx ah! all your fault man.......i feel damn vulnerable without the password......:(
you know you love me
at 5:04 PM
i was really pissed at lou yesterday. in fact i still am. i'm upset that she bailed on me last minute. imagine if i had not messaged her to confirm. i would have shown up like an idiot and be turned away. i'm not messaging her anymore until she says sorry. hmph!!!!
went out with yihui today. but before meeting her, i went to watch 'disturbia'. OMG
I WAS ALL ALONE IN THE FREAKING CINEMA!!! when i bought the ticket, the row of seats behind me were occupied. but the people didn't come!! so i was the only one watching the movie!! wth!!! and gosh, it was
SCA-REEEE. before the show started, they showed the trailer of this show "dead silence", a horror show about some ventriloquist who died and her dummies came alive and murdered people by cutting off their tongues. so when they die, they can't scream. something like that. there was even a super creepy poem to go with it. oh gosh i was so scared i was nearly shaking. i recognised one of the actors in show, but i couldn't place him, until i remembered - Summerland!!! he's Jay from Summerland!! Ah well, so not the point. that show is just made to give people nightmares la. then i realised that i was going to watch "disturbia", which is not exactly like "finding nemo", and i was like,
SHIT!! i wanted to leave the cinema man. then they'll be showing the film to an empty cinema. :P mind you, "disturbia" was also damn freaky la. the killer, the faces of the dead victims, oh man so scary, so scary,
SOOOO SCARY!!!!!! i was closing my eyes at some parts. omg i'm so gona get nightmares the next few nights. SHIT!!!!!! and shia belouf looked so much hotter in transformers. sigh, but he's still really cute. :P and the cleaners who cleaned up after the movie had a really easy job. cos i didn't eat popcorn, and i was the only one there. so basically, nothing to clean. :P
met yihui at gramophone in taka. as usual, she made me wait. lol. nvm, it's nice nice yihui. :)she permed her hair!!! it looks really good but she thinks otherwise. sigh, we really do have vastly different tastes. i was looking for jay chou's "Secret" movie soundtrack and music score, but both weren't available yet!! ahhh! so i made a reservation for the cd, and maybe i'll ask ms tan for the classical scores. i had a great time with yihui. well, i always do. we went window shopping, and we were both so thrifty today!! everything KIV, and we hardly bought anything. oh gosh, i think i spent more on mum and dad than myself. i only spent $6 on a pair of earrings which were on sale, and $10 on a really nice watch from one of those push-cart stalls. yea, that's kinda it. oh yes, my movie ticket and my mos burger lunch. i ate my usual veggie burger, which was super messy. remind me never to eat that on dates with my boyfriend.
i watched jay chou's "Secret" yesterday. OMG IT WAS SOOOOOOO GOOD!! i was skeptical about it at first cos it was a jay chou movie, just piano playing and stuff, but it was wonderful. i think i'll get the dvd or something. it was good good good. was strongly recommending it to yihui today. can't wait for all the stuff to come out.
you know you love me
at 8:19 PM
today is definately one of the days that i have been the angriest in my life. what's the reason? three words: OOI AH GUAT. oh no, make that 5 words:
FUCKING BITCH OOI AH GUAT.she, this daughter of the devil, completely
humiliated me in front of my class during chem prac today. i just made a small mistake during practical (which i am sure would not cost anyone a life or disrupt world peace), but she just HAD to blow it up and make life difficult for me. she went
"AIYOOO" so loudly, and then told the entire class what i did wrong. then, she stood behind me to scrutinize my work
at least 5 BLOODY TIMES, all the while going "aiyoo" and making "tut tut" noises. sounds like Umbridge doesn't she? she's 10 times worse man. at least though Umbridge wears pink, she has good fashion sense, and i'm sure she doesn't have body odour, not like that stinking ah guat. (pun not intended) and then she continued to embarrass me further by announcing to the class that i had drawn my table wrongly. fuck that stupid bitch.
then after she dismissed everybody, she made me STAY BACK TO REDO THE FUCKING EXPERIMENT. and mind you, it was already 4+ in the afternoon. then mum called and told me that she and sis had been waiting for 10 mins already, and that i may have to go home myself. so i told them to go back first, and i broke down. couldn't help it. i was SOOOOOOOOO angry!!! then ah guat came round and saw me crying, and she didn't even care, she just asked me " why aren't you stirring? why didn't you record down the temperature? aiya if you don't want to do, don't do!" then she just turned off the lights and fans in the lab,
managed to clear my red nose and bloodshot eyes before i went to get my lunchbag. mum came to fetch me home after all. :) i love my mummy. <3>OF COURSE she supported me. well, anyone in the right frame of mind would. then she asked me what i learnt from this experience, and i said "must get married. or you'll become a l
ao chu nu like ah guat with all that pent up unfulfilled sexual tension and torture people like she did to me." and mum
AGREED!!! HAHA!! LOL!! she was like, "yea, must get married...." lol, my mum rocks man. :P came home to rant to sis, who of course, chided me for not standing up for myself and for letting myself be treated like this, and by a freaking TEACHER no less. sigh. what to do, i need that bitch to write my testimonial. what the fuck la.
yea......this is quite an angry post. but at least my friends were nice, especially wei shi, who cheered me up by showing me his cute EZlink card photo which i love. he would also have given me a hug but we were not alone. so yea.....haha. and i know he'll always have my back, so i wouldn't be scared if weiling betrays me, which he is so convinced she will. :P haha. ah well, what an emotionally exhausting day. at least we have a long holiday coming..........
i miss yingxy so much. :(
you know you love me
at 10:44 AM
i havent been blogging for eons!! and yes i kinda miss it. so here i am. :)
yingxy went back last sunday. gosh, i can't believe it's been a week already. last tuesday i was staring at my watch in school at abt 10+, and i was thinking "man. yingxy is on the plane back home already." and yesterday it just struck me that i won't be seeing her for over a year from now. oh shit. i'm not going over in december and she can't come during chinese new year. i wonder if she can come in july again? but i guess that time she'll be busy with all the uni applications. oh shit shit shit. just yesterday yangx came over and he and sis ostro me over the ipod!!! yes my sis got an ipod. spent like $900+. crazy la. ok not really ostro la, but we have not much in common to talk about anymore. sad how people change as they grow up. yingxy.............yingxy i want u to come back!!! i miss you so much!!!!!
ok, yingxy won't be able to read my posts until she goes back to school, so should i remove the password? hmm.........i only know i'll be safe after i've left jc. teachers in hc still read blogs. seesh!!!
time flies really fast when you're in jc. it's like a time-zapper. i have no idea why. time just flies by like formula 1 racing cars. where on earth does all my time go?!! promos are coming. shit shit shit. ok this para is random.
my friend, shall not put the name here in case she googles her name (who on earth does that though?!), sometimes i duno whether to laugh at her or slap her. let's just call her *. and call the boy ~. so last friday, ~, being as sweet as he normally is, bought her her favourite apple crumble bread. but she didn't feel like eating it and she just refused it outright and wanted to return it. when he refused to take it back, she just pushed it away from her and ignored it. ~ must have seen it and been hurt. then after he left, she tried to give it to people, but of course they didn't take it cos it was from ~. she even dropped it on the floor! luckily is was in a plastic bag, but
STILL!!! then the bell rang and she just left it on the class bench and went to class. oh gosh. i was shaking my head at her the whole time. i mean, it's basic courtesy to just accep a gift graciously from whoever gives you something. you never just reject it like that! whatsmore from someone who likes you so much! you can accept it then don't eat it. no one's forcing her to. sigh. i know * is a good friend of mine, but sometimes i wish ~ would go find someone better who cherishes him. ths is always the problem when you like someone more than that someone likes you.
i bought a camera yesterday!! :D now i don't need to rely on those stupid disposable ones anymore. and i can upload pics easily now. :) now i just gota wait for some exotic holiday location and fill my blog with pictures!!!
OH MY GOD YINGXY!!!!!!!! WE FORGOT TO TAKE A PICTURE OF THE 4 OF US TOGETHER!!! those who remember my previoes skin where i have a picture of the 4 musketeers, I WANTED A NEW ONE TO REPLACE THAT PHOTO!!! i mean, it was almost 2 years ago!!! ah damn it!!
you know you love me