![]() Tuesday, February 27, 2007
![]() i don't want to leave ac. i don't want to leave unless i'm going to hwachong. i wanna be there for ac's 2nd orientation. they're gona do the very very fun mass dance which i love very much, and they ARE going to have campfire after all. I WANT ABRAXON!!! according to margareth, it's supposedly going to be better than the 1st one. oh my tian........i want to stay i want to stay i want to stay!!! why was i soooooo stupid?!!! oh pls god, don't post me to njc, pls don't. i'm so sorry.......... shixian is really the best guy i have in my class. he's not noisy, he doesn't skip class, and he helps to hold doors open for us. he's a nice guy, but just a little shy, and skinny. haha. but he has 6 pecs ok? don't play play. :P so out of 6 guys, i only have 1 decent one. -_-"' but i'm not sure whether he can stay or not. apparently he had 15 for olevels. sigh, i really hope he stays, that poor thing. i'm still undecided about my subject combi. i want to take H1 math, but i don't wanna take H2 geog, cos it is a lot of memorising work and i already have bio to remember. so i'm left with 1 more H2 to fill, and H2 lit is out of the question. shit la. HOW???!!!!! damn it.............what about DEP? Hmmmm.........better read up on it.*flips through JAE book* ok forget it. anyone who takes pure geog?? advice please!! can't wait for thursday. it's founder's day, and we get to end school early!! all of us are also required to wear the ac uniform. it's ernest's birthday too.........damn, gota do a GP essay. hate GP. yucks -sleepy........ - xoxo, you know you love me Sunday, February 25, 2007
![]() the more time passes, the more i'm getting infactuated with daniel henney. remember when i said that i wouldn't look at any other guy expect darryl if u line up hunky male models in front of me? haha, well, that was before daniel came along. he's so drop dead gorgeous i can't stand it!! wth, what kind of genes did he inherit from his parents man? too goodlooking to be true. even yingx admits it. i can't think of any other man better than him. if i can, well then, that's God. that will blow my mind. :P ponning school tmr to escape a math test. not that i don't wanna do it, i CAN'T. i'll be handing in a blank piece of paper i tell you. i totally don't know how to do functions and binomial theorem. i'm talking about jc level. i wanna drop math. sigh! had lunch with aunty allyson and yangx, went to kinokuniya after that, and now they're over playing mahjong. yep, so basically that's my day. sorry that my life isn't a soap opera, thus it isn't that interesting. haha. ph signing off. over and out. -I LOVE DANIEL PHILLIP HENNEY!!!!!!!!! AHH!!!!!!!!!! xoxo, you know you love me Saturday, February 24, 2007
![]() i've just realised that the poolside is a highly romantic place. just imagine a big pool, the kind you see in posh condominiums, with those high-class looking poolchairs that you find in resort hotels, complete with the spotlights in the pool, small lights around and the starry sky. oh my tian, soooooo romantic!!! perfect makeout spot. :P whoa lao, cannot take it already!! *hyperventilates* daniel henney is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! he's the male lead in seducing mr perfect. i've been watching the music video on youtube nonstop the whole afternoon. and everytime is stare at him, i'd start grinning like crazy. :P the song is really really nice too. my current favourite. oh god,who cares if he's 11 years my senior?! i'd marry him straight away!! i'd give anything, ANYTHING to make out with him. or have his baby. LOL!! :P ok, well, anything except selling my soul to the devil. haha!! and the best part is that darryl looks a teeny, tiny, itsy bit like him!! LOL!!! especially his smile. sigh!! XDXDXD rain looks like shit next to him man. yingxy, if you say rain is cuter than daniel, you're blind i tell you. freaking blind!!! oh by the way, rain has a new movie out. :P i didn't know the president of ac's student council is so damn smart. her name is magdalena. yea, i knew she's smart, being in 2SC1 and all, and winning chemistry olymipics, and being president of the 31st students' council, but bloody hell!! i didn't know she was THIS SMART. i went to the *ASTAR website and saw that she is a bloody *ASTAR scholar la!!! wth!! omg she's a genius!! 6 pointer for olevels la. i bet at least 8 A1s. mind you, not just distinctions, but A1s. oh my tian, she's my idol man. a total all rounder. i'm quite sure she can win the president's scholarship or something. today was boring. basically youtubing the whole day. went to get my bloodtest done in the morning, then when to the architect's office to see what he had planned for the new house. yep, that's basically it. BO-RING. talked to zc this afternoon and he said he was rather, well, lonely cos he didn't have a gf. -_-"' this is the 1st time i ever heard that boys are desperate for gfs! and to think that in primary school, boys were all like: girls have germs, stay away!! and now, they're desperate. seesh!! and when i asked him why he needed a gf so badly, he said that sometimes guys need release. yep. so we immediately stopped talking about it before the conversation got too dirty. then i said that most decent girls don't appreciate guys trying to get into our pants all the time. seesh, i knew most teenage guys were horny and let their dicks rule their head, but i didn't expect to hear it from my friends!! oh gosh.........i wish we all never grew up. ignorance is bliss man. chatting to yingx on msn now. i just sent her a pic of darryl and she's currently "tearing" him apart. she insults every guy i like you see. thx yingx. love u sooo much for that. -_-"' so go watch the music video from seducing mr perfect. and you get to see the drop dead gorgeous daniel henney!! haha. enjoy ladies!! and remember to keep those tissues close to wipe up the drool. :P:P:P -"then make me beg for you."................................................ i already am............ xoxo, you know you love me Friday, February 23, 2007
![]() siti finally sent me acjc orientation '07 dance theme songs!! finally the wait is over!! haha. i'm currently listening to the couple dance song and grinning like crazy, cos the dance was really fun!! i really hope we'll do it for 2nd orientation, and i wonder if i would even have the chance to take part in it. sigh!! watched the best korean movie ever: seducing mr perfect. whoa lao, the guy is really mr perfect man. soooooooooo handsome, hot bod, and so suave. and he's got a sexy american accent!!! drrroooooooooooooooooooll!!! wth, i forgot all about darryl for those 2 hrs man. :P the cinema were mostly ladies, and they were laughing like crazy people. -_-"' seesh. i wish they would behave with a bit more class. so those hopeless romatics like me out there, go catch the movie!!! THE BEST MAN. today is mum's birthday! which is the main reason we went to watch the movie. love you mummy! happy birthday!! time seemed to crawl during lectures today. by the time my last chem lecture ended, i was all ready to run out of school already. but let me tell you what happened. i was supposed to go meet kellie at njc after school. so i took bus 74, 1 straight bus from ac to nj. so everything was right except 1 small thing: i took the bus from the wrong side of the road. -_-"' i didn't know!!!!! bloody hell, i had never taken this bus route before. so i went all the way to the bus terminal, thank god it wasn't far, until the bus superviser told me this was the end of the road. no wonder everyone left the bus at the stop before!! whoa lao eh...............the stupid things that happen to me. and to end my amazing experience, it was raining when i got off the bus. i was cursing and swearing by that time. thank god the terminal wasn't far from the main road and i managed to get a cab, but that didn't mean i didn't get wet! seesh man!!!! so dropped at njc bus stop and met miaoqun, lynette and praba. apparently mq was waiting to show me her bf-to-be, but i took so long he had to go off to training. dang!! if only i took the bus the RIGHT way. wth la. so mq greeted me by saying, "why is your skirt so short?!" i was wearing acjc uniform you see. well it's not my fault the stupid aunty altered it wrongly! i'm still adjusting to it too! my knees felt so airy the whole day. :P but after wearing and seeing my uniform, njc uniform is HIDEOUS compared to ac's man. yuck!! so kel and i went to ntuc to buy presents for mr kok, ms teo, mrs chang and mdm yeo. then we went back to aprime!!! man, i miss that place. miss going for tuitions on saturday with kellie. i mean, i know i won't miss having tuition while i'm actually having it, but i've been having tuition with kellie for 3 yrs already!! since sec 2!! i don't care, ure still my math tuition partner kelbear!! we're gona have tuition again together!! :P haha. finally said bye at about 5+ and went to meet sis at island creamery!! yum yum! the best ice cream ON EARTH. better than haagen daaz. yep, so we went home after that and went for the movie later. orchard road was closed off for chingay and haosheng was having duty for some security thing. but we couldn't meet cos we were on different sides of the road. oh well, next time then. today the school reminded us again that we're all supposed to bring our thermometers next week. they actually told us yesterday but we all forgot, and there was a collective swear of all of us, the whole school, going "oh shit" at the same time. LOL!! the funny things we do. these are the little things that tug at my heartstrings that makes me wanna stay. i mean, i'm quite sure i'll change class after 1st 3 months, at least i hope i do. sigh, duno la. my subject combis are giving me a headache too. shit la. -so move a little closer, let me hold you tight. c'mon! and dance with me tonight! i want my mr perfect too........... xoxo, you know you love me Thursday, February 22, 2007
![]() i have a password on my blog now for security reasons. apparently people like blog surfing through google and they just HAD to press the link to my blog. i don't get it. there are a million, gazillion blogs in the world, so why do they have to pick mine?! funny sia. i mean, so far i've had 2 strangers tag my blog. not exactly bad, but the 2nd is a bit unnerving. also, this would keep my school DM away. i have no idea, but apparently our DM checks blogs. i've even been warned that i gota watch what i type cos if the DM finds out, i'm dead meat. -_-"' can't believe the stupidity of the whole thing. you mean i don't have the freedom to type what i want on my own blog? dude, it's a democratic country man!! freedom of speech! and i'm even surprised that the DM has time to go googling for blogs. seesh. so i feel much more protected, thanks to the password. a huge thank you to rachel for helping me out with it!! love you dear! *muacks!* i had a huge problem keeping my eyes open in school today. omg it was painful!!!! econs lecture was the worst. i was dozing off but i couldn't cos i was sitting right in front of the teacher. damn it. do you know how painful it is to keep your eyes open when ure totally wiped out? hell on earth man. time also seemed to crawl today man. seesh!! i wanna drop math so bad. if i do, i'm so going to njc man. i'm not going to risk the DM teaching me geog. no way man. the stupid tailor altered my skirt wrongly!! i wanted the length to be 19 1/2 inches, so she cut exactly that length and when she hems it up, it becomes 18 1/2 inches!! whoa lao, damn stupid can. now my skirt is like 1 inch shorter than i want it to be. i'm not exactly those kind of girls who fancies wearing short skirts to school ya noe. girls who do just have bimbo written all over them. mum thinks it's ok...........yea, not that bad la, but i would have liked it a teeny bit longer. i'm never giving that old lady business again. super sleepy. mum's birthday tmr. lets hope she's in a good mood. today she blew up at me just because i didn't want to sit down and watch tv, but wanted to squat instead. whoa lao, sometimes my mum is really damn stupid and retarded leh. can't stand it. if i'm comfy let me be la!! wth. i MUST sit down meh? bloody hell......... -i wish i never knew you, i wish you never came into my life. the worst thing is that you're completely oblivious to all my pain............... xoxo, you know you love me Wednesday, February 21, 2007
![]() OK. KINDLY REMAIN IN YOUR SEATS PEOPLE. I KNOW YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING VERY LONG AND YOU'RE ALL EXTREMELY EXCITED, BUT PLEASE CONTAIN YOURSELVES. :P I'LL LIKE TO SAY THAT I HAVE THE PIC OF DARRYL ALREADY!! however, i have just removed it due to security reasons - advice from someone...........so if u wanna see it, tell me! haha..........:) britney is going insane. really she is. can't believe she shaved her head man. is she crazy??!! if you ask me, in my opinion, why she has gone berserk, it's because of her breakup with justin. she started going downhill behavior-wise the moment 2 of them split. they are my fave celeb couple and always will be, though their relationship is so yesterday. i mean, i don't think she ever ever loved anyone truly except justin. you can just see it in her eyes. she doesnt even look at k-fed that way. she's just 1 sad little girl who can't get truly over the breakup cos, i guess she really does love justin. only justin. i know i sound like i know her so well, which is crap, but i know how difficult it is to forget one's first love. her marriages and partying and having babies are just ways and outlets to hide what she really feels, to show the world that she has moved on though it's not true. but of course it's a really stupid move cos i don't think justin could care less with such a successful career and all right now. i just think that if, IF jus and brit ever get back together, that will be the time that brit regains her sanity. it's really kinda saddening to look back at the past, the sweet little girl she once was on star search and the mickey mouse club; her innocent clean image on her 1st cd. now she's dressing like a stripper. maybe it would have been better for her if she never became the pop princess she is now. she would still be that nice country girl from louisiana. hollywood makes people do stupid things man. just learnt from my math tutor today that they're gona check our math files for our COMPLETED tutorials after 1st 3 months. damn it....... in other words i'm dead cos i didn't do a single bloody one. i'm also really sad at the thought that i may be missing acjc's 2nd orientation if i'm posted to njc. sigh, i'll miss abraxon. :( -6th march come faster!!!!!! xoxo, you know you love me Tuesday, February 20, 2007
![]() i'm so gona get pimples. shit la. damn it. ate loads of chocolates today. can't help it man, chocolate is a girl's greatest sin. my nose already feels a bit tender, which means a huge pimple is gona sprout there. help!! aloe vera gel!! i'm in a pro-njc mood now. yes, i'm a very weird person. i just have these spasses of feelings. sometimes i wanna go nj, sometimes i wanna stay in ac. right now, at this very moment i'm typing this, i feel pro-njc. LOL!! it really beats me how acjc ever produced 2 presisdent scholars last year, cos the teachers don't really strike me as being spectacular educators. of course, not all teachers are perfect, but.........they really don't impress me leh. to be honest, though hci is my dream school and all, i'm really quite nervous and scared about going there. firstly there's clement, who i've always had a soft spot for, so it's kinda nerve-wrecking meeting him again. also, none of my close friends are there. yes, a stupid factor to influence my thoughts, but at the same time, you must admit that it plays a very, very big part. seesh, i talk as though i'm going there already. dang.......the stupids things i do.......... cny holidays are officially over, so now it's really back to the work mode. i've just realised that i'm about to go through a whole entire term at acjc, though i have said i wanted quit a million times. LOL. the human mind is really an amazing thing. :) school tmr. really don't feel like going back. fuck that place la. i wish i could wake up with a sore throat and get an mc. start off the day with swim pe somemore. joy oh joy. but i can't swim anyway cos i got that thing, but we still have to do physicals. -_-"' boy, that's as exciting as school life gets. i want to perm my hair. i've already decided which style and all. now all i've got to is wait for my hair to grow, grow, GROW!!! -can't wait for june!! :) xoxo, you know you love me Monday, February 19, 2007
![]() ping an is rather mellow right now, following me to my room and lying by my side and all. this is really rare, cos my sis is the one who is closer to him. hmmm.......i hope he didn't do anything like shit somewhere in the house or something, that's why he's acting so 'guai' now. haha. well, i can officially conclude that for the past 16, almost 17 years of my life, this is the worst CNY ever. Ever, ok? 1st, we fall out with my mum's family, so we didn't meet up. i'm not complaining cos i don't like them much, but i miss liang bao and liang hui. we're not as tight as glue, but well, i still miss not seeing them. and now my dad's angry at my uncle peter, so we didn't go to his house either. so guess how we spent 2nd day of cny? watching movies. seesh!!! we watched not 1, but 2!! this is downright weird man. we have never done this before. watched ghost rider first, which is really good, by the way. 1 of my favourite shows now. i was never a nicholas cage fan, but he is really really hot in this show. :P beautiful 6 pecs man. the actor who played the younger version of him in the show is really hot too. matt long, i believe his name is. yep, then we watched just follow law, a local jack neo production. didn't really want to watch but mum wanted to, so got sabohed and pulled along. the front was a bit funny, but the middle and ending was just downright lame. lousiest graphics ever. in nutshell, a total waste of time an money. mum says we must support local productions. BAH!! never again man. best not to go against my better judgement. MY DAD BOUGHT 3 JAY CHOU CDS TODAY. WTH??!! what is the world coming to?!! never thought a jay chou cd would step into my house, and even if it did, i thought my dad would be the last to bring it home man. my dad is just trying to be hip la. we were having lunch when jay chou songs started playing and sis and dad started commenting that the songs were quite nice. so dad just decided to go buy them after lunch. -_-"' didn't expect him to be serious. saw ashley tisdale's album at the shop too. wth, i think everyone from HSM can just go cut an album eh? jumping on the bandwagon..........and sembawang was out of jesse's new cd!! sobs. but oh well, that just shows my baby is in demand!! haha. :P was hoping dad would buy it for me so i wouldn't have to spend my own money, but now i guess i have to. sigh! just saw sam's nick. i've never seen someone so pro acjc before. what does it say? she wants school. she misses acj, her class and og. -_-"' who the hell would miss school man. nothing to say except that shes really, really in love with that place. sigh. i think it's rotten luck that we all go back to school on wednesday, just in time for swim pe.-_-"' and i have collected absolutely nothing for the donation card thingy. dang it la. i'm rather amazed right now how much 2 people can have such huge impacts on my life, namely yingx and uncle koon meng. without them, cny has no meaning. zilch. nada. nothing to look forward to. it's like a holiday which has just come and passed without any impact. i now declare that my life is incomplete without yingx. like a big empty hole in my heart. yingxy i love you. you're not the only one feeling alone............. -i'm surrounded by people, but i still feel lonely.............:( xoxo, you know you love me Saturday, February 17, 2007
![]() i find myself wanting to stay in acjc more and more. it's so bizarre cos i hate my class, i hate the DM, and god knows what else i hate. i don't know what the hell is wrong with me. the only answers i can think of is that more of my friends may be coming, (namely tess, sumin and chuxian) and abraxon can be reunited for 2nd orientation, though it won't be as nice as the 1st. i also yearn to be and ogl next year, cos acjc ogls seem to enjoy even more than the j1s. LOL!! and have i mentioned i love the uniform? i really do. it's so nice and comfy. i don't know. right now i just keep telling myself that njc is better for my future. it's better, it's better. but why the hell am i not exactly happy and excited about going there? i even sometimes hope i DON'T get sent there. sis just said over lunch that she hopes i get into njc cos the culture suits me more. hmm.........i don't know........i really don't know. i think it'll be pretty stupid if i get posted to njc and appeal back to ac right? not because my results suck but because, i put ac 4th and nj 3rd. what a joke. stupid and retarded beyind imagining. cny dinner later. quite neutral about it really, cos ahh well, at least it's not with my mum's side of the family. at the same time, yingx and uncle koon meng (aka frank :P:P) isn't going to be there cos they're freezing their asses off in ontario, canada. gosh, i miss the 2 of them soooooo much!! the only comforting thing is that yingxy is having an even harder time, so i'm going to stay strong for her. i love you yingxy!!! happy new year!! i'm glad you like the pig. i'll name him oinky or mr oink. i was thinking piggy but that's so common. XDXDXD. ahahahahaha........who knew i could be so funny??? LOL!!! my whole family is wearing bata home slippers. i assure you, it's completely coincidental. like i said, coincidences never fail to amuse me. :P the tenants below are having a party and they're making a hell lot of noise. whoa lao. this is a CONDO man, not the park or hdb flat. have some class for pete's sake. feel like going down and slapping them and screaming for them to shut up. fuck these kind of inconciderate freaks man. 2 pictures i took of pingan and sis. one is such a classic kodak moment and the other one...........well.....it's just downright funny la. haha ![]() sweeeeeeeeeeetnesssss!!!! :) ![]() i was taking this pic halfway when pingan yawned. i was laughing so hard at how this turned out. and sis was laughing like a crazy person. yingx, you KNOW how my sis laughs right?? LOL. funny, so funny! XDXDXD i love christina aguilera's "ain't no other man" video. the male dancers are HOT!!!! :P -happy new year everyone! xoxo, you know you love me Friday, February 16, 2007
![]() today is the eve of the eve of cny. acjc celebrations were quite boring, only 1 or 2 performances were pretty entertaining. i guess acjc is really not a china school. but nothing can beat crescent celebrations la. cgs is the best. :) the show put up by the malay society was hilarious!! i think it was the best of all the performances. acjc people are really creative, you gota give them that. met mq in town for lunch before her training. but before that, i went to buy 1 suit of acjc uniform for 1st of march founder's day. the uniform is really nice, and comfy, but i gota alter the skirt by like, 5 inches. seesh! this is the 21st century man. do you really think we'll wear skirts THAT long?! it's crazy! maybe i'll get to wear it everyday if i don't get into njc. met siti at the uniform shop!! haha. coincidences never fail to amuse me. so mq and i went to eat pepper lunch. i really felt like eating fish & co but aiya........nvm, whatever. she told me about her...........errr............eye candy/boyfriend to be. i was quite disappointed actually. she said him to be soooo handsome, but when i saw the pic, i was like, that's it?!!!! seesh. it reminds me of my similar reaction towards samuel. LOL. mq says alot of girls like this bf-to-be of hers. -_-"' those poor, desperate, deprived female souls. if that is the best looking guys njc can produce, well, i can confidently say i can stay single very easily throughout my 2 years in njc if i go there. the girls should come to ac man. they'll faint. LOL. heard cjc guys are not bad too. but acjc guys are goodlooking la. so she basically spent the whole afternoon gushing about how sweet and gentlemanly he is, how jealous he is when he found out another guy likes her too, how other girls are so envious of her, and she showed me all he mushy mushy messages he sends her. -_-"' aiya, but i'm happy for her. mq is a nice girl. i really hope they end up together if he's really that wonderful. just slightly over a month and they're already a celebrity couple in the school. seesh!!!! i shall keep the rest of the details to myself now as it's not nice to tell the world her private fairytale. haha!! :P so in turn i told her about darryl, that despite the countless hunks in acjc, i'll only have eyes for him. even if you line up hunky male models with 6 pecs in front of me, darryl will still be the only one who takes my breath away. sarah forgot to pass me the pic today!!!! sarah!! how could you..........:P i remember my math tutor told me that the JC2 guys were happy as they think this year's JC1 girls are very pretty. they like to just sit at the void deck and watch the girls walk past. oooookayyy.........i didn't know boys actually did that. haha. shixian is my favourite guy in my class. he's not noisy like 3 others, 1 guy keeps skipping lessons/school and the last one, well, hardly smiles. shixian will hold open doors for us, doesn't talk too loudly and he's ok to talk to la. smiles alot too. :) god, why the hell am i typing this. so random can. stupid me. yea, so that's what happened today. damn sleepy. better go take a nap. later peeps......... -acjc or njc? posting results will be interesting.............. xoxo, you know you love me Wednesday, February 14, 2007
![]() daddy had flowers home delivered!!!! omg they're soooooooooo pretty!!! it's for the 3 of us, me sis and mum. it says: "to the 3 ladies in my life" aawwwwwwwwww.......................i love you daddy!! i look forward to the day my boyfriend or husband can give me flowers like there. ddaddy spent a whopping $150 on the flowers k? see, daddy loves us so much! XDXDXD my bf will have a high standard to live up to. so anyway, here they are!! ![]() aren't they gorgeous?! i couldn't stop gushing. oh gosh, what WOULDN'T i give for darryl to give me something like this...............sigh. it'll only happen in dreamland............. xoxo, you know you love me ![]() LATEST BREAKING NEWS: I CHOSE NJC INSTEAD. i think this was the most difficult and painful decision in my life. i have been thinking a lot and been weighing the pros and cons, asking myself exactly what i want to graduate with after 2 years in college. and it was to have good results and a good cca record. the reason i put ac after nj was because i didn't feel confident that i'll get an outstanding cca record in ac. guitar ensemble isn't the forte of the school, council is really troublesome and rahrah, choir practices are insane. i've decided that i'll probably join nj choir if i go there. hopefully i get to travel next year. :) as for ac's nice uniform, 2nd orientation and abraxon, well, let's just say, yes, i'll miss them alot, but i'll get used to it, just the way i got used to ac from crescent. i cannot afford to have friends or uniforms get in my way of making an important decision. at least at nj, we don't have swim pe!! haha. and jeanette is going there..........and yihui.........and today at the hub i heard a few nanhua people putting nj as their 1st choice. and i bet alot of people are putting nj before ac la. then again, nj is my 3rd choice, so if i can't get a place, i'll just stick to ac. :) at least it will be abraxon reunited!! i hope......... today was also one of the worst valentine's day ever. yea, i got presents and all, but you can't beat valentine's day at a girls' school, namely crescent. i think the guys in my class who came from all boys schools like acs and sji, had culture shock. LOL. i think they were all so amused at how much effort people can put into valentine's day. haha. so basically they were the ones receiving presents only cos they didn't prepare anything. -_-"' and the real reason valentine's day is a disaster is because i found out darryl has a girlfriend. yes he does. i don't know why i'm so hurt because i sorta expected it, and cos he's so goodlooking i'm really not surprised he's attached, but that doesn't keep it from hurting so much. the last time i experienced this kind of feeling was with clement. it's so ironic that i found out this painful piece of news on VALENTINE'S DAY, no less. one of the biggest jokes heaven plays on me man. boss told me, and i've been feeling moody the whole day. 1 of the reasons why i'm glad i may not be staying? so i can be away from darryl, out of sight, out of mind. then i can move on. and since there seems to be a huge lack of cute guys in nj, no distractions for me then. and only the j2 seniors are cute in ac. so effectively i'm only enjoying 1 year of cute guys. :P kinda sad really. but then again, no matter how many hot guys there are, i'll only have eyes for darryl........... so happy valentine's day to all. i hope you're all spending it with girlfriends and boyfriends who actually LOVE YOU BACK. yea. over and out peeps. -my heart is broken into a million pieces................... xoxo, you know you love me Tuesday, February 13, 2007
![]() I CHOSE AC PPL!!! FINALLY!!!! FINALLY I DECIDED. SO HAPPY!! :) xoxo, you know you love me Sunday, February 11, 2007
![]() boring day. what i remember from last night, or should i say early morning, was that i woke up and could hardly keep my eyes open, and dreading that i had to go to school. then it suddenly hit me that today was sunday. LOL. the funny things i do.......... yea, so the reason i'm blogging today is because if i don't, yingxy would probably conduct a worldwide search for me again. but really, i have done nothing but laze around the house the whole day. what can I type? CNY is next week! nothing to cheer about really. it's no fun when the 4 musketeers aren't complete. and no, i still have not come to a decision between nj or ac. if only I had just 1 MORE A1, i would not have the headache i have now. damn it. but i guess i can understand what people mean when they say humans can never be satisfied. haha. ok. that's all folks. sry yingxy, but i really have NOTHING TO TYPE!! -i wish i had a crystal ball to tell the future............ xoxo, you know you love me Saturday, February 10, 2007
![]() wats with ppl and loving god. like every blog i go to, ppl are thanking him for their good olevel results. seesh watever la. i shan't say anything cos it's not nice to insult other ppl's religion, so..........SEESH!!! i conclude that no problem is ever a happy one. there are no such things as 'happy problems.' since i did well for Os, i now have a hard time deciding if i should stay in ac or go to nj. oh my god this is giving me such a headache. i have lost sleep over it and i've been thinking for 2 days straight, and i still have not come to a conclusion. oh my tian. it seems that any choice i make will be wrong. if i choose nj, i'll have to adjust to a new environment. if i stay in ac, i'm scared i'll be cursing and swearing at the place for the next 2 years. oh god, please help me. someone show me the way!! i went to the temple to ask for advice and apparently ac is better for me. but i'm still so doubtful. what i like about nj is it's location. 1 straight bus from my house, and i'm used to the bukit timah area. it will be easy to go to and from tuition cos it's right across the road. for ac, i like the school uniform :P, and the cheers. actually, i can't pinpoint what i like about ac, except that i'm used to it already. oh gosh, the more i think, the more confused i am. do well, have headache. don't do well also have headache. what the hell la. people, please feel free to give me your advice and opinions. i would really appreciate it. this part is for yingxy. i know you're upset girl, but you did your best. take care and you know i love you always. be strong cos everything happens for a reason. just work hard and you'll find your reward someday. love you loads and loads. take care!! *muacks!* -give me a reason, give me a sign. give me the answer to my life................... xoxo, you know you love me Friday, February 09, 2007
![]() today is the happiest day of my life. seriously. i went back to crescent at about 11+am. no, i'm not a kiasu singaporean, the crescent environment just makes me so happy. went around the place with yining, and saw my favourite teachers!! mrs leow, mr loh and ms goh!! omg, finally i found ms goh! even though they were all tight-lipped about our results. but all the teachers were smiling and they said mrs lee was very happy, so yea, i didn't feel worried at all. another reason from celebrate is because: THIS YEAR'S TOP OLEVEL CANDIDATE IS FROM CRESCENT GIRLS' SCHOOL WITH A PERFECT SCORE OF 10A1S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooohhh yea baybeh. girl power man!! i told you crescent rocks. her name is Xuxin, a malaysian scholar. we also have the top indian student in singapore. and apparently, we're the 3rd best school in the nation. yay!! the straits times people came to take photos and interview them. everyone was hyper and going crazy ok. and we have 80 people across our cohort with a perfect score of 6 A1s. :) beat THAT!. so soon more people started coming. i saw ethel again!! and finally i got to pass her her birthday present. and I held on to her and cried like a baby. all my friends were rather incredulous. but you must understand. ethel has been with me for all my 4 years in crescent, and she was my partner for sec 3 & 4. i'm so used to her!! suddenly i don't have ethel and i feel so lost. i saw tess too!!! omg, i miss that girl. and sakinah is still in singapore, though she supposed to move to australia. we were all joking, saying we've given her all her farewell presents and parties, SO JUST GO ALREADY LA!!! LOL!! still stay for what. but of cos we don't mean it. we love u loads and loads sak!! yes. soon the big moment came. MY results. what i'll just say is that i'm so glad history didn't repeat itself like my psle results. i was signing my name against my address and my form teacher was looking at my results saying that i did well, and i'll be very happy. so i saw what i got, and omg, i was SOOOOO happy, i went back to my class and burst into tears. seriously. my tears were flowing like a tap that couldn't be turned off - as if my country lost the war or something. all my good friends gathered round to offer comfort until i choked out with much difficulty:" i'm crying cos i'm happy." then all of them went "CHEH!!!!" LOL!! ;P sorry to worry you guys. haha. and mind you, i cried for a good 5 minutes. i don't know why, i just couldn't stop. and NO, i did not get 6 A1s, if not i would have jumped through the roof and i'll be able to tell you from first hand experience how pluto looks like. :) yep. so i called my tuition teachers and they're all happy. XD and that pretty much sums up my day. *flashes a big big smile* mum says she thinks i deserve a LV handbag. LOL! i'm not complaining man. but my big question still remains:" should i stay in AC?" -grinning from ear to ear; somebody pinch me. XDXDXD xoxo, you know you love me Thursday, February 08, 2007
![]() class bbq later, but i don't think i'm going. i'm just going to say mum or sis is sick or something and i gota stay home and look after her. i mean, what can they do to me? i bet they won't miss me either. i'll rather do something more productive like............SHOPPING!!! hahaha......i mean cny is important right? RESULTS TMR!!!! ooooohhhhhh yea baybeh. finally the end has come for my seemingly endless wait. oh man, now i'm feeling a little nervous. if my results are good, i'm going to the temple to shake that thingy, to see if i'm making the right choice in staying in a jc. if my results suck, oh well, just go poly la. i took the lift with darryl today!!! with a whole bunch of other people...............ahh well. nvm nvm. taking the lift alone with him would have been super unnerving anyway; i'll be hyperventilating and all. lol.......:P ryan - the guy who wore a skirt, took his "gayness" one step further and wore the CHIJ uniform today. complete with a hairband even. even I don't wear hairbands. seesh. he even walked out of the classroom with it, and was planning to go to the canteen like that. he's one weird guy i tell you. but he got caught and he had to change back. some seniors saw him too and started calling him "chio bu". LOL. but it was a good laugh. one girl, jeanette, wore his ACSI uniform in return. she looks not bad to be honest. :) ![]() one random pic from x-country yesterday please do not think i'm a fan of my class after seeing all this. I'M NOT. it's just a facade to keep the tears and frustration from spilling out. omg i can't wait to see all my friends tmr again!! 4C3 rocks my world. :) -IT'S TMR PEOPLE!! ahuh, ahuh ahuh ahuh.........XDXDXD xoxo, you know you love me Wednesday, February 07, 2007
![]() did backstroke for swim pe today. the teacher said i was ok, so i'm happy. :) whoa lao, the more time i spend with my class, the more i want to leave them leh. wth.........hopefully the change of my subject combi will grant me that wish. x-country today was a blessing in disguise. the whole day i was dreading it, and wishing i had an MC. at the begninning, i thought my post today will only be 2 words: fuck acjc. but it isn't the case now. i was wonderfully surprised cos i found that my whole OG was in thoburn house too!! i thought i was the only one!! omg, it was the 1st time i enjoyed myself in weeks. so we did the 3.8km x-country route. sukhveen and i walked the whole way. i was sooooo happy we had all that time to catch up with each other. i think she's the only one who truly understands how i feel, cos she feels the same way. i think sarah is stronger than us. and contrary to popular belief, even walking 3.8km is super ultra tiring. it's not as lax if you think it's only a stroll. the sun plays a big role in building up fatigue. my mouth was so dry i kept thinking of coke, ice lemon tea and milo, which made it all worse. haha. alistair walked the last 1/3 of the route with us. it was so fun talking to each other again, our mini abraxon reunion, with 3 out of 18 people. -_-" i feel that the people in my og are the only ones i can talk to. the girls in my class are just loud, hyper and boy crazy. i think my og people actually have a good head on their shoulders. oh god..........what won't i give to have abraxon as my class. i'll become and AC fan right away. when i finished the race, i was greeted with jeanette bringing me a cup of ice milo. omg, i squealed!!!! i was sooooooooooo grateful!!! jeanette you rock my socks. i owe you one girl. big time. then x-country was ended off with house cheers. the best part was that there were more abraxon members! eileen and boss, and kern and ryan too though we hardly talked. but then, just having them with me makes me so happy. can't wait for orientation 2!!! only with abraxon i mean.......... and the best part about being in thoburn? DARRYL IS IN THOBURN TOO!!!!!!!! OMG I WANT TO DIE! WE ARE SOOOOO FATED!! LOL!! :P you have no idea how happy and surprised i was. i wanted to jump up and down. XD and he's got such a nice smile. white even teeth, nice lips - he can make my knees weak. *sighs!* and i found out his surname is Tay. at least i think it is. couldn't see clearly. yea, so that's the highlight of my day. i drank lots of milo today. ok random!! :P got to go for class bbq tmr. sucks la. damn it............. -1 down, 2 more days to go................................ xoxo, you know you love me Tuesday, February 06, 2007
![]() so the shopping for cny continues! i really don't see why i should bother though. geez, this is all so depressing. the only happy thing is that i found this really pretty belt from Guess!!!! oh my tian, it is gorgeous. to me at least. here it is!! ![]() pretty pretty!! :) so happy when i saw it. looks like i gota buy my clothes a bit at a time. can't seem to find long, free period of time for a shopping spree. sucks man. you know at some times during the day, i always think of how i'd blog when i get home, but when i come down to it, i find i have nothing much to type. seesh. lets see............there's this guy in my class called Ringo( shucks, i think yingx is gona have a field day with his name.) whose name means 'apple' in japanese, yea, he talked to me for the 1st time today. i've never said a word to him before, even after 2 weeks together. come to think of it, there are like some guys i haven't talked to yet, and there are only 6 guys in my class. i even go for days without communicating with a guy. i'm too used to a girls school i think, i'm too used to the environment. really nothing much today, just that tmr is a sucky day. i'm sooooooo dreading it man. why? swim pe AND x-country. oh my tian. i wish i could pon. i wanna die die die...........:( fuck this school la. on friday, we're released at 10.30am. i'm going back to crescent immediately to have breakfast. :) yummy yummy food!!! acjc food is nothing compared to crescent. and i need the crescent environment. it's my air as water is to a fish. can't wait to see 4C3 too!! oh yes, now i remember. went to see a feng shui guy today, and he says the house we bought has TERRIFIC fengshui. yes, i'm merely quoting his words. so mum and i are very happy. he also told me a bit about my future, and he said my wanting to be a doctor is ok, but i may not like it much. :( my dreams just fell apart. you mean after having a goal for so long i just have to give it up like that? then what the hell am i taking bio for?! he says i should be a business woman cos i won't like working for people, and i'm creative. -_-"' i always thought my ideas were so wooden. whatever. just let life take it's course la. goong s isn't as nice as the first one. then again, the 1st is always the best. watched the 1st episode and found it a bit stupid. i don't really like the actors too; nearly puke blood man. such a big disappointment. this is an adorable picture i took about 2 weeks ago. aunty carmen and ping an sleeping together on the blue mattress!! it was so sweet i just had to take a shot! take a look. ![]() damn cute right?! haha. classic kodak moment. :P -1 down, 3 days to go........... xoxo, you know you love me Monday, February 05, 2007
![]() the date is OUT people!!! yahhoooooo!! yea baybeh. 9th feb (this fri), 2.30pm. go see the website for details. http://www.moe.gov.sg/press/2007/pr20070205a.htm there you go! :) super excited cos i want my results so bad. i know i'm gona regret on that day and i'll be shaking like a fool, but heck, i still want it now. but honestly, i know i'm not going to do fantastically well. i'm crossing my fingers and hoping i get below 15 points. yingxy, it's going to be about 1.30am over there right? are you going to wake up in the middle of the night for the news? haha......... i finally understand what mum means about parties you hate, but still have to attend. my class is throwing a bbq party on thursday night, cos they're all so "emo" about the thought of breaking up and everything. -_-" if you ask me, i can not see them again for several lifetimes and still be happy. wth, grow up la. i bet they're all going to do very well and remain in 1sc5 in AC. da jing xiao guai really. but then again, i don't want to be the wet blanket, so i have to go. seesh la. i really wish i could be like sam. really envy her too. she loves her class and all, even had a freaking chalet party. bloody hell. if only i could love my class the way she does. ethel too. everyone la. everyone is happy except me. i try try try to like it, but i can't. there's this group of girls in my class who are very loud and sticks to the boys like glue. seesh. i mean, fine, friends and all, but a bit overdone for my taste. can't bring myself to be like that. i shall remember charmaine's wise words: be yourself. yes i will girl, yes i will. met alistair in the canteen today. it's been ages since i've seen him. one of the nicest guys i know. miss you buddy!! :) i miss the whole abraxon la. haven't been seeing clarence around either. hopefully no one will leave AC after JAE and abraxon can be reunited! haha. yea, so that's as exciting as my day got. whoopdedoo. x-country on wednesday. i'm still thinking of a plan to get out of it. anyone knows where i can get cheap MCs? ;P tmr then folks. -1 down, 4 more days to go........................ xoxo, you know you love me Sunday, February 04, 2007
![]() boring day. today's post is gona be short. went out for more new year shopping. we can't seem to find a suitable tshirt that 4 of us, now 3 of us can wear. cos the 4 musketeers always wear the same tshirt on cny eve dinner. reason we can't find is cos sis and i can't agree. she has REVOLTING taste i tell you. her fashion sense is disgusting. but i'm sure she feels the same about my dress sense too. whatever. we are 2 such different opposites, we really are. it's appalling. everything that i am, she's not. not looking forward to cny. to me now, it's just 2 more days of holiday. things really suck as you grow up. HS called last night. totally made my day man. :) hope i managed to convince him to come to AC if his results are good. but he likes SA cos of the uniform. -_-" vainpot. i thought only girls thought that way. school tmr, i have to do chem which is not talking sense to me, and tmr have to hand up. wth. 4 nice days have gone pass without seeing that damn school and now i must go back. omg, my bio lecturer is so gona pick on me. fuck that old bitch la. i'm feeling damn moody. firstly, because of that fucking place. 2nd, bcos i miss how things were. i'd give anything, ANYTHING for my life to stay the way it once was. miss you yingxy. miss u so much i wanna cry. -i lead a sad, sad life..............................:( xoxo, you know you love me Saturday, February 03, 2007
![]() for those who are wondering where i was the past 2 days, yes yingx, you got it right. i was sick. practically bedridden for 2 days man. had food poisoning AND the flu. it was hell on earth i tell you. my limbs were aching, my fever was so high that i had a splitting headache and i had to wake up 4 times in the middle of the night to puke. i could actually FEEL my stomach walls contracting ok? damn painful sia. the worst was when i could taste the bile in my mouth. so bitter. yucks man. i think i got the poisoning from yoghurt, and the flu from swimming pe. cos you know, it was very cold but we still had to swim, so mum says i probably caught a chill there. didn't go to school for 2 days and my teacher called on the 2nd day to ask about my absence. no, it's not a sign of care, they just want to see that i'm not playing truant. -_-" they're basically wrapping it up nicely to pass it off as words of concern. please, i wouldn't bother playing truant man; i would have WITHDRAWN from the freaking place already if i had the chance. people who play truant are losers. so as i have been saying from the beginning of time when dinosaurs roamed the earth, FUCK SWIMMING PE. so i've been basically doing nothing exciting the past few days so one would understand that i have nothing to blog about unless you want to know the condition of my mattress, the no. of pillows i have or how my ceiling looks like. but i'm sure you peeps all have better things to do in life eh? :) but the most frustrating thing is i was craving for so many kinds of food, though the last thing my condition allowed me to do was eat. i wanted crystal jade food so bad, i wanted chocolate cake, nydc cheese cakes, honey stars, omg it was terrible. i duno why all these cravings came all of a sudden cos i would puke out anything that entered my stomach at that time. weird. i was feeling better last night and was reading the 6th harry potter book, and i came across this hilarious paragraph. just thought i'd type it here. sis says the last book is out this year. can wait and can't wait, cos you know, all doubts are cleared but we also want more HARRY!!! pity there isn't going to be anymore. so anyway, here goes. just a short paragraph: "fred,george, harry and ron were the only ones who knew that the angel on top of the tree was actually a garden gnome that had bitten fred on the ankle as he pulled up carrots for christmas dinner. stupefied, painted gold, stuffed into a miniature tutu and with small wings glued to its back, it glowered down at them all, the ugliest angel harry had ever seen, with a large bald head like a potato and rather hairy feet." had me laughing like a maniac for ages this one. hope it'll make your day as it did mine. oh btw, olevel results probably out next friday yingx. 9 feb. CAN'T WAIT!!!! :) xoxo, you know you love me |
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